Salvation Army work with Homeless Community in Mallorca

We have a regular work with the homeless community throughout the year, meaning that every week, on Fridays, we have a soup run in the streets of Palma, where we distribute 42 sandwiches, around 45 servings of soup, plus juices and “magdalenas”, which makes 2184 sandwiches and 2340 servings of soup per year. Plus, we also distribute jackets, blankets, sleeping bags, socks, hygiene products and others, depending on the needs.

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Children’s Christmas party and presents in Mallorca

We had a list of around 150 children, to whom we wanted to give a party and Christmas gifts. We were having problems finding a place that would fit this many children (we knew there would be around 100 for the party, for sure) but, at the end, the result was even better than we anticipated!
Mundo Pirata, a children´s park, received us twice (we divided the group in two) and also collected toys for the children. They had an amazing time!

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Apadrina un niño ahora

apadrinamientoEl Programa de Apadrinamiento del Ejército de Salvación te permite vincularte con un niño o niña, su familia y su comunidad. Las cuotas de apadrinamiento financian proyectos educativos, de mejora de medios de producción, de infraestructuras.

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